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Join date: Mar 5, 2021


I am an experienced and multifaceted legal professional, combining in-depth knowledge of international law, climate change, global policy, and solid experience across the public, private, and international sectors. I nurture a passion for the environment and an excellent ability to solve problems, including providing legal, research, and policy analysis and an ability to integrate academic knowledge with strategic thinking. I bring with me professional and academic experience in the United States and the practice of environmental law in Brazil, having successfully represented clients in Brazilian higher and lower courts for 14’ years. I enjoy working with people and communicating across cultures and multiple languages to build a common understanding of the legal system. Experienced in teaching and lecturing on environmental law matters. Strong collaborative professional with a Master of Laws in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School - United States. Ph.D. candidate at the Queensland Univesity of Technology - Australia.


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